
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Another Tangent...

I'm sure by now you've all heard of the big Duck Dynasty uproar about Phil, his anti-gay comments, and his subsequent suspension from the show.  if you haven't here you go, courtesy of the lovely BuzzFeed :)

I don't know about you, but I'm getting pretty annoyed with all this drama over gay/anti-gay situations.
People getting suspended of fired for mouthing their opinions...yeah, maybe it's not their place to say something, but hello, is the phrase "First Amendment" ringing a bell?  Freedom of speech (not to mention press and religion, but that's a whole other fight)...and yes, that includes, even encourages when your opinion is different than everyone else's.  Phil wasn't giving a hate-speech or enforcing everyone to follow his beliefs, he was just stating his opinion.
This isn't about Phil and his opinions, this is about the freedom of speech and the right to say what you want without encountering an entire force of people messing in your lives.  PEOPLE!!  Duck Dynasty is a controversial show,  and while you may not enjoy it, does anyone have a problem with all the outrageous things they say?? Actors and actresses are always saying outrageous things, even leading people, telling them how to live their lives and which way to vote...NO ONE CARES.  Why now?
Now, go watch some Duck Dynasty
What do you think? Am I overreacting?  (probably yes, but hey, that's what the internet is for...freedom of speech, Pinterest, grumpy cat...)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ranting With a Purpose

So, as a teenage girl, it's pretty much a granted that I love the mall :).  Unfortunately, along with the shopping for shoes, body sprays and a pair of fantastic jeans comes an onslaught of models with that "perfect" body, hair, face, and who knows what else?  Everywhere you turn is a new reason why you're not good enough.  it bugs me so much when I see stores preying on someones insecurities just to make however much more money.  Yeah, none of them say "buy this pair of jeans and you'll be as sexy as Rhianna", but that's what they're marketing.

I'm blessed with an awesome older brother who likes to remind me before I reach the checkout counter that no, I'm not a ridiculously sexy black singer, I'm me, but most people I know don't have that. Instead they go ahead, buy the jeans, get home, and then when they realize that they're still the same person they've always been and they think it's something wrong with them.

I know so many girls (and guys too) who blame themselves for not being the perfect ideal of beauty, but guess what?? That ideal is always changing!! Below is an advertisement for...wait for it...gaining weight!! Stick thin anorexic wasn't always the ideal of beauty, but instead the ads were selling a weight-gaining product.

The world continually pushes us to be perfect, but it can't make up it's mind what perfect is...even those models we see in the billboards and on TV aren't really what they loo like, but instead a combination of professional makeup, perfect lighting, talented photographers, and more photoshop than you can imagine!  Hair and skin care provider Dove gives us just a small peek into the work that goes into a single ad in their video Evolution of Beauty.  

Yes, even Harry Styles.

Wait, is anyone really that surprised?

Basically, if you're going to take anything out of this post, let it be this: don't let the world form you into someone you are not...Oscar Wilde put it nicely, telling us "Be yourself: everyone else is already taken".


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I went to Cedar Point for the first time this year, and let me tell you, it is *terrifying*.
Yeah, that was pretty much me on the left...

There I'd be sitting in the ride, buckled up and ready to go, when suddenly I'd realize "Oh my gosh, I DON'T want to do this"and mentally start panicking...but by then the ride has started and the only way to get off is to sit it through.   This happened pretty much every time if you're not counting the one kiddie ride I went on, well, just for the sake of doing it :)

Looking back (it's so much easier to philosophize when your stomach is not 30 ft behind the rest of you) I realize this is kind of my take at life too.  I sometimes catch myself wishing I had never  been born, because then I wouldn't have to face the knowledge of an eternal fire if I screw up somewhere along the line of life.  (quick disclaimer before I receive an onslaught of concerned and well-meaning parents and friends to comfort me, I'm not contemplating suicide at all in the very least) it's just the that the idea of an eternal anything, good or bad is sorta terrifying.

The good news is, we don't have to rely on our own scant and, albeit, pretty pathetic resources to settle our eternal well-being, but instead have an omniscient, omnipotent, all-loving God who is capable and willing to do so.  It's like the original no-strings-attached deals...ask him into your heart, pray for guidance, and in return He brings you to a reward greater than we can imagine.  Sounds good to me.  

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

More than you Know

As terrible as it sounds, I had no idea today was that day. I've been thinking about our conversations, and the frailty of the lives we live, especially this past week more than ever, but I didn't realize it had already been a year.  Oh yes, I've missed you so much it hurts to breathe, and every time I realize you're not there I want to cry, but the actual date...that escaped me.

12 months ago today, I had a awareness check that brought reality crashing down around me: my best guy friend and "big brother" died,  leaving an array of friends and family in mourning. I remember going to his funeral and seeing the outrageous amounts of people that had gathered: hundreds came throughout the day, and let me tell you, while Peter may not have known all of them, there wasn't a single one who he hadn't touched with his testimony of Christ, loving each and everyone he met with an unconditional love.

If anything, in the eight years that I knew him, Peter tough me not to let prejudice, age, looks, anything get in the way of Christ's love.  I remember the day we met, my 6th? 7th birthday? He could have easily looked down on me when I first met him:shy, awkward, and nearly ten years younger than him, but instead he saw a girl blessed by God, though more than a little unsure of herself.  I'll never forget all those years you'd come over to our house every Sunday...swing dancing, "3 second tag" bake-fests, days when we were all so tired we just sat around and talked.  Those will always be some of my favorite memories, especially or late night talks interspersed with runs to Kroger where we got our favorite sustenance to power such "deep" conversations :)

Know that you will be missed, but more than that, know that you have touched so many many lives, spreading the love of Christ with your loving heart and beautiful smile. Also...I think I saw a studly man hiding in your car so you better had watch out :)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Best Books Ever!!

Books are: friends, escape, teachers, romance, a gift that will keep on giving. Basically, books are the best things ever, and GOOD books are priceless.
It took me a long time to discover some of these books, so I want to put them up here so that you won't have to pry them out of other people. 
These are probably  my favorites (although, knowing me, I probably left out some obvious one) :P
So enjoy!!

  1.  Waking Rose by Regina Doman--from her modern fairy tale series. I can't tell you how much I love this book. You just have to read it. 
  2. Mara, Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw. This book is pretty awesome and super exciting, involving spies, pharaohs, and a breathtaking romance in ancient Egypt.
  3. The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. A true story about a daring woman who hid Jews during World War 2, and who eventually got sent to a concentration camp. Many WW2 books are dark and depressing, but this story tells not only of the war's horrors, but also about miracles, hope, and a peace that would seem impossible in such an evil place.
  4. The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale. This is a great fantasy book. I really liked a lot about it.
  5. Lay Siege to Heaven by Louis De Whohl. This is my favorite saint book yet!! It is so vivid and descriptive, not bland at all. It's a story about St. Catherine of Siena, who lived during a time when the Church's servants were falling into greed, when the boubonic plague broke out. 
  6. First Impressions by Deborah White Smith. This is a take off of Pride and Prejudice, and it's really good! 
  7. Into the Twilight, Endlessly Grousing by Patrick F. McManus. This is basically a book of hilarious short stories. If you ever open this book, make sure you read the chapter, Uncle Flynn's Hairy Adventure. I literally fell on the ground laughing. It's hysterical!!
  8. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. I'm sure you all know about this series, and I thought it was really good. However, you might want to check with your parents before you read it, as they may have objections.
  9. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I loved the descriptive language in this, and it was just a great look into the twenties. 
  10. Left to Tell by Imaculee Ilibagiza. I would give this book a rating of PG-13, due to the violent destruction of Human Life within it. It is a very touching, intense book about the Rwandan Genocide, and about a girl with an incredible story. This book showed me many things, one of them being that you can always have hope. 
I love each of these books in a unique way, and I hope you read them!!!
If you have a favorite that's not on this list, please put it in the comments section.

<3 Nina

Thursday, April 18, 2013

"I trust in the sun, even if it doesn't shine
I trust in love, even if I don't feel it
I trust in God, even if He keeps silence"

Because I liked you better 
Than suits a man to say, 
It irked you, and I promised 
To throw the thought away.

To put the world between us 
We parted, stiff and dry; '
Good-bye', said you, 'forget me.' '
I will, no fear, said I.

If here, where clover whitens
The dead man's knoll, you pass,
And no tall flower to meet you
Starts in the trefoiled grass,

Halt by the headstone naming 
The heart no longer stirred, 
And say the lad that loved you 
Was one that kept his word.

~A. E Housman, though I found it originally in Waking Rose, a fantastic read for all of you who haven't read it yet!

Put your eye to the eye of a telescope
The universe looks back through a microscope
You're feeling scared, Jesus is your bodyguard
You feel alone, take a look in your backyard

~Wisdom, by The Guggenheim Grotto.  I love this, it's a bit odd, but it conveys a lot to me.  I love these lyrics, and the sound is so mellow.

We stare at broken clocks, the hands don't turn anymore.
The days turn into nights, empty hearts and empty places.
The day you lost him, I slowly lost you too.
For when he died, he took a part of you.

No time for farewells, no chances for goodbyes.
No explanations, no f***ing reasons why.
I watched it eat you up, pieces falling on the floor.
We stare at broken clocks, the hands don't turn anymore.

If only sorrow could build a staircase, our tears could show the way.
I would climb my way to heaven, and bring him back home again.
Don't give up hope, my friend, this is not the end.

We stare at broken clocks, the hands don't turn anymore.
The days turn into nights, empty hearts and empty places.
The day you lost him, I slowly lost you too.
For when he died, he took a part of you.

Death is only a chapter, so let's rip out the pages of yesterday.
Death is only a horizon. And I'm ready for the sun, I'm ready for the sun, to set.

An absolutely terrible and screechy song, but the lyrics are all so true.  Having personally dealt with loss when my best friend passed, I know what it's like, losing something so dear and watching it slowly take over others.  Prayers are needed so much for the grieving, and luckily I had a great group of family and friends, but please, remember to pray for those who don't,and just to try and be there for them.  It can be awkward, and you may not even know what to say, but being there is really big, and counts for more than you know.  

I've been listening to a lot of poems/depressing songs lately (not that depressing, more just...different :) and I'm really loving iti!  There are so many cool little tidbits out there, and the internet makes it so accessible   Do you have any favorite song lyrics/poems/quotes?  I know I could go on forever about mine, but I'd love to hear all about yours!

Monday, April 15, 2013

So, in case you haven't noticed, we've kinda been slacking off over here in our crazy little world, and between school, the play, and life in general our lives have been so jam-packed of random awesomeness we haven't really had time to update the blog in a while.  So yes, sorry.  

Just warning you that the next few months will be a lot like this, though we'll try to put up something when we can...make sure to poke your head every now and then and see what's going on!!

xoxo, Us <3

Pray for all those affected by the Boston Marathon bombing please!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Wedding photography

Any of you who have seen me in the past month or so will know that my camera has become just another limb on my body, going wherever I's like a beautiful baby that never needs to be fed or have it's diaper changed, not to takes awesome photos!!  I really love it, and lately I've been looking for photography websites for advice on how to boost my potential.  As I was looking I found a beautiful hidden gem, a photography website that makes me smile every time.  While they don't give specific advice, they  post a new candid photo everyday from wedding photographers around the world.

What I love about Moment Junkie is that while there are  quite a few sentimental photos, and a share of plain ol' cute ones, they still have hilariously terrible ones too :)

Just something to leave you with...

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Just something that made me think...I found this somewhat beautiful and a little bit weird, but hey...

Stephan Dobyns (like Dobby, get it? Okay, well, ya go! :)

Oh, Immobility, Death

Each dance step we execute is a slap in the face
of immobility. Are you light on your feet? Do you wear
tap shoes and feel an elasticity of sole and thus
you spring upward? What makes this more than 
merely bouncing? Because you seek a chosen path.
Some tunes jingle inside, some tunes jingle outside.
This is when the extremities recall having been wings,
when the blue sky bends down to help us heavenward.
Just yesterday you weighed three hundred pounds and
now you're a feather rising on the notes of somebody's 
whistling. What is music anyway? ask the scientists.
Being limited by what they know, they turn to math.
It must be counting, it must be numbers, it must be time.
And what is music's opposite? Silence? Almost correct.
Music's opposite is the tomb and so we dance to keep
the shadows back if only from the heart's dark corners.
The grave cannot stand a racket and even a tapped foot
is a form of boogie. You call it time? It is forever.
To spin on the pinnacle of one's genitals. To kiss
gravity goodbye. To bear the souls of birds in the belly,
as harmonies loop and dip behind your eyes. This one
likes Bach, this one Bop, this one likes the Beatles:
and so their feet are carried aloft, lungs throb and
palpitate, the pores pour forth their cheery tears
of pleasure. Even the skeleton chants a creaky song.
And immobility? It only has to wait. What is age but
the process of bringing the dancing inward? The heart
opens and two by two the dancing feet pass through:
an ark sailing the body's blessed blood to the grave.
You had your battle, little soldier. You danced a lifetime.
Those stones and monuments, those memorials and tombs:
without their weight the ground would hop. Oh, immobility!

* * *

Oh, immobility, how thoroughly you set yourself
against us. Gravity's buddy, entropy's pal.
Every stoplight becomes your flag. The erect
cop with his hand raised to articulate halt
wears your uniform, no matter the color; or rather,
he duplicates your gesture. The simple negative-
no, nein, nicht, nada, nyet-becomes a vote cast
in your favor. Silence is your national anthem,
a vulture your favorite bird, rust your flavor.
Meanwhile we trot: one foot forward, then the next.
Not straight, not crooked, but in a circle. Perhaps
we produce a few sparks. Perhaps we go toot toot.
My right hand extends to where it grips the shoulder
of the fellow straight ahead, perhaps my left grasps
the hand of the one jogging at my side. You get
the point. You might think that we are unhappy.
We are singing. True, it is nothing too lively,
but it is loud enough to let us shuffle our feet.
Immobility is the focus of our muted ruckus.
And the orchestra? Let's say a disembodied violin
hangs in the night air with its cracked bow jazzing
across the catgut. Scratch, scratch. You find it ugly?
It is the sum of earthly beauty. It plays the tune
that drives us forward. We have begun to love it,
just as we love the trudging feet, the beating heart,
the joys of flatulence, the rush of blood in the brain:
just a few of the roadsters on our daily racetrack.
I ponder this as I sit on my bed poking at my slippers.
Sunlight chips a morning wedge across the carpet.
Outside, the daily hammering is well advanced.
Time to get up, old carcass: to work, to work!
Set your feet among the flux! Drag your shadow 
out across the land! It's time to mingle your shoes
with the buyers and sellers, one foot forward, then
the next. The reality? To bang your drum in the mortal 
parade. And the dream? To believe yourself dancing.


Yes, it's in purple...I stole it directly off this very purple site, but I think it's actually not stealing/too illegal, right?  Because I gave them the credit??  I don't know, just thought it was cool.  Here's hoping we don't get shut down for illegal practices :)

A blessed last week of lent to you(!)
xoxo, T&T

Oh my gosh, and It's St Patrick's Day!! Happy St Patty's Day to you <3

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Habemus Papam!!

...or as spell check wants me to say "bemused papam"...either way, WE HAVE A POPE!

76 year old Argentinian Jesuit Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio took the name of Francis I, wowing the crowd gathered in St Peter's square with his gentle and loving mentality.   

Perks of going to a Catholic school...your principal interrupts your final class to tell us all that there was white smoke, and later letting us go to the main center to watch the new Pope being revealed...awesome :)

Really, I'm way to Pope-high (that's like a sugar high but soo much better:) to write this post so I'm leaving you with this video to watch...Look! It's a video about our new Papa!

It's probably not the best video, but it has all the basics and I'm hungry, exhausted and so excited!!!  Off to go eat some "papal pizza" mom made this and I can't wait to eat :)
We are a genius crowd, aren't we?  
Pray for the Pope! Pray for Benedict the non-Pope! Pray for us!
xoxo, Rachel

Monday, February 11, 2013

New Pope, Same Old Church

So, If you haven't heard yet, the Holy Father, (aka Pope Benedict XVI, aka Papa Benedict) is stepping down and resigning from his position of Peter's successor, saying "...In today’s world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the bark of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me."

I'm sure people are hoping that this new Pope will suddenly agree on the Church's behalf that same sex marriage, abortion, and whatever trending nonsense is completely all right and morally acceptable (he won't). 
Knowing today's media, there will be hundreds of articles about why he really left, probably a lot of them looking like this, or filled with scandals, so make sure to pray that wavering Catholics are not turned off by the "scandals" created by the press.  

Also please, keep Benedict in your prayers!! Imagine being sick and tired enough to resign from the Papal Throne.


You can see the full abdication video get English subtitles, click on the CC button in the lower left corner of the video and choose "English"

...and read a great letter from a local youth group leader's basically what I've been trying to say, but 10 times more coherent, and covering all that I should have and would have if I had known how :)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

March For Life!

On January 25, Rachel and I went on the March For Life! (I went on a bus with Sarah K, and Rachel went with another family).
Aside from the uncomfortable seats and lack of sleep, it was wonderful!!
This year was my first year, and we took a red-eye bus from FGR and drove all night to D.C. We got there at around seven and went to the Verizon Center for the Youth Rally and Mass. Okay, Have any of you seen 400 priests in one place at the same time? Let alone about 30 bishops? Well then you should go to the youth rally!
All the bishops in their pink Yarmulkes!!

the never-ending procession

It was so cool, and the bishop representing the U.S. (to the pope) came!!! He was sent by the Vatican and read us a letter from Pope Benedict (especially for the youth of America) and gave us the pope's apostolic blessing.
And there were friars, seminarians, and monks there! As well as Missionaries of Charity (yup, Mother Teresa's order!) Dominican sisters, the Sisters of Life, and tons of different orders!
Aside from the consecrated men and women of God, there were 17,000 different young people from all around the country. :D

with 17,000 other young people from America (and beyond!)
in the Verizon Center

In short, the Youth Rally and Mass was incredible :)
And then there was the actual March for Life:

Sarah, Mackenzie, and Me :)

Marching  through snow towards the Capitol

Abortion is NEVER okay...look at the evidence!!

Senator Rick Santorum talks about his special needs child, Bella,
and how beautiful every life is.

Barack Obama's words about the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy,
unwittingly encouraging thousands of pro-lifers. 

Avenging Life...

The Missionaries of Charity marching for life!

The pictures of the aborted babies were heartrending
I felt like crying and throwing up at the same time :(
Miracles are happening every day in the Pro-Life Movement, starting with the March For Life. Click here to read the story about how Jane Roe, the woman who legalized abortion, became Catholic and is now tirelessly working to end abortion!

I recommend that you all join me in going on the march for life next year!

until then--

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Intelligence radio :)

I never thought I'd thank my mom for making me do dishes all the time, but while flipping through the radio stations I found a really cool station to listen to so...Thanks Mama!

I have a new idol. No, he isn't good looking or young, and actually I know nothing of his personal life, so if he's some kind of messed up man in one way or another, don't blame me...don't tell me either--I like him too much :)

No, what I find so incredible about this guy is that not only is he a pianist and a composer (I Will Always Love You, Carol of the Bells, Can you feel the Love Tonight(!!) and many more), but he's filled with random bits of intelligence that he shares with his listeners. Apparently he's well known around the entire world, but if you're like me, and not in "the loop" that means that maybe I got to bring this tidbit of fun into your life...tune into 105.1 (FM) the River sometime in the evening to hear an random selection of music and in between every single song hear Mr Tesh share a little piece of incredible's so much fun! 


Michigan Theatre...and Les Miserables!!

On New Year's Day, Rachel and I went to go see Les Mis at Michigan Theater. I feel like just going to Michigan Theater by itself is a show!

before the show in the streets of Ann Arbor
Everything at M theater is fancy (even just the lighting!)
This is the place to go if you want to feel like royalty :) 

An organist played for us before the movie started.
The music was so beautiful!! (I never super appreciated organs, but this
was really cool, with bells and other sounds along with the organ music)

We sat in the balcony, at the front...the view was amazing after I realized
I probably wouldn't plummet to my
death (don't get me started on my fear of heights)

Everything was so incredibly beautiful and the show itself was absolutely breathtaking! the casting was great (I was a little worried about Anne Hathaway, but she was sooo good!) and the singing was superb! I think I would have picked someone else for Marius, but other than that...

Until next time!