
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fall, Pt 6...the key to a good Autumn

So, I realized this should really have been my first post, as it is the most important, and yes, I am serious...

"You've got to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you've got, and remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget. Learn from mistakes, but never regret."

I think this is actually a great quote for the start of all seasons, because it really applies to every day life, and it's good to remember it sometimes...


Live every day like it's your last.

Not in the cheesy way, or the spend-all-your-money-and-get-really-really-drunk way either...more like "This could be my LAST DAY EVER ON THIS WORLD..."  Do you really want someones last memory of you to be you storming out in anger, or calling them a name???  Yeah, I didn't think so...

That's it...those words of wisdom you've been waiting for all your life.  Very deep.  
Yes, I'm very did you guess? :)  But's not just a joke--really try it, if only for a day.


So, depending on how this post looks tomorrow (oops...this!) morning, i may just delete it... :)


  1. Hey Rachel,
    I really like this post. Keep it.

  2. Toothy and Toothless:
    if you don't know what to post, try some of these ideas:
    -> short story
    -> one of your A+ papers :)
    -> (this website has a few good ideas)
    just felt like giving you ideas if you every needed one. :)
