
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy Feast day of our Lady of Guadalupe!

That's right folks! Today (or I guess yesterday now) was the feast day of one of the coolest ladies on mom!! And yup, yours too :)  I always new we were related!!

This is a picture my  mom drew of herself, many much years ago yesterday...quite the artist, isn't she??

In honor of our Lady, we (my dad, sister and I) saw the new-ish movie For Greater Glory.  My dad has been trying to get me to see it for along time, but as I am not a huge one for war films (unless they're either Gladiator or the Patriot) I hadn't wanted to go see it--in this case, I was completely wrong in my assumptions, as it was a great movie, albeit sad, and though in a few spots it was a little cheesy, they never lasted long and was overall a great film.

Anyway, as the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is very important in our house, I thought I might put up a post on her with the basic story outline for all who might be interested.  Unfortunately, her feast happens to be right before my five finals, so instead, you can go here to find the general story.  As I am so good at getting side-tracked, I guess you got a little movie review too, but the general idea of this post was to wish you all a blessed feast day :)

And so...a blessed feast to all!
xoxo, Rachel

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