
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

it's Christmas are YOU doing?

**I wrote this before Christmas, but never posted it, so I realize some of it is a little dated :)
regardless, this is all still true! Christmas is a 12 day celebration and you need to remember that...not to mention this is a good way to live regardless of whether or not it's the Christmas season.

One of my favorite priests ever pointed out the other day that in all the rush to get ready for Christmas, sometimes it's really easy for us to remember what it's all really about...when someone asks you if you're all ready for Christmas do you reply "well, I still need to get to confession" or "hmm...I haven't really fully given myself to the Lord this morning"?

you do?? wow :)

no, but really, a lot of what you hear nowadays (from me included) is something like "auuhggghhh!!!!  I need to finish shopping!!" or, from someone more competent (Nina?) "oh, yeah, I finished three weeks ago...".  But either way, I feel like it is incredibly easy for Christmas to turn into one big celebration and exchanging of gifts.

I know this post is starting to sound like a downer, and I'm not trying to say that you shouldn't celebrate and be happy...I mean, come on, it's only like, the most important birthday in the history of birthday's...

So--lesson to be learned from this scatterbrained post...the Christmas season isn't just about presents and food, but waking up each morning and choosing to get down on your knees and offer that day up to God...

Rachel and Nina

PS-the goal here is that others see God in you...yup :)

New look?

What do y'all think of the new look?
I think I just got bored with it and decided to change it, but now I'm not so sure...let me know what you think!!

With love,
Rachel and Nina <3

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!!

Can you believe it's almost Christmas? Christmas Eve is here!!! I feel like it's actually starting to feel like Christmas, thanks to the (somewhat late) appearance of snow, the real tree, and the smiles hanging on people's faces like Christmas stockings!!
Much too excited for Christmas. :D

Walkin'  in a winter wonderland....I LOVE SNOW!!!!

Chocolate--what can I say?!?!
Except a big thank-you to God for inventing it :)
The magical qualities of chocolate include
making great Christmas presents and memories.
One of my favorite things about December is that we light
fires indoors...ahhhh :)

Introducing people to the real reason for Christmas: Jesus!!

The red, green and white lights on our Christmas tree (it's real this
year, and it smells wonderful! It's a Frazier Fir--
not too poky and not
high-maintenance :)
This picture was a time-exposure, with me twirling the camera
Baby Jesus <3

Getting ready for Christmas Eve Mass.
Essie looked like a little sugar plum fairy.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


I can't believe it's almost Christmas! I don't know about all of you, but to me it feels like November not almost January!!

If you can believe it, we're all done with getting ready for the Christmas hassle (look at that!! and it's not even Christmas eve!!)...presents bought and wrapped, tree up, decorations out...even the stockings are up on the mantle!
I love Ave Maria Radio!! Look at all the yummies they sent us :)

Delicious smelling pine cone wreath!!!

One of our many stockings :)

yay for presents :)

a little Christmas Creche camel :)


My dad got these three *special* presents for my mom <3

Let us see your Christmas preparations by linking them in the comments below!!

Merry Christmas!!

Like to click buttons??  Make sure to hit our like button (or whatever it's called :)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Hobbit!!! (Again :)

So, two days ago, Rachel and I went to see the Hobbit!!
It was AMAZING! I was very surprised, because I liked many of the characters better in the movie than in the book, especially Thorin (the lead dwarf). And (guess what!) it actually stayed true to the book's plot!!! I loved how they even kept in some of the small details from the book, especially the two songs and the riddles. 
They added certain characters and events to the movie that were from J.R.R. Tolkein's notes (appendices), not actually from the book, adding a little twist. One of these characters was Radagast, the brown wizard. I liked his role in it, because it helped foreshadow the LOTR movies, and it added a little comic relief :) 
I found out that it was only a third of the actual movie, when Rachel whispered near the end, "I think this is were they will stop!" 
I don't know if I can stand the wait for the next two parts of the movie. But this will be better in the long run because the director won't have to cut anything good  that was in the book from the movie.
I highly recommend the Hobbit for EVERYONE, and I might even say this was my favorite movie of the year!!


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy Feast day of our Lady of Guadalupe!

That's right folks! Today (or I guess yesterday now) was the feast day of one of the coolest ladies on mom!! And yup, yours too :)  I always new we were related!!

This is a picture my  mom drew of herself, many much years ago yesterday...quite the artist, isn't she??

In honor of our Lady, we (my dad, sister and I) saw the new-ish movie For Greater Glory.  My dad has been trying to get me to see it for along time, but as I am not a huge one for war films (unless they're either Gladiator or the Patriot) I hadn't wanted to go see it--in this case, I was completely wrong in my assumptions, as it was a great movie, albeit sad, and though in a few spots it was a little cheesy, they never lasted long and was overall a great film.

Anyway, as the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is very important in our house, I thought I might put up a post on her with the basic story outline for all who might be interested.  Unfortunately, her feast happens to be right before my five finals, so instead, you can go here to find the general story.  As I am so good at getting side-tracked, I guess you got a little movie review too, but the general idea of this post was to wish you all a blessed feast day :)

And so...a blessed feast to all!
xoxo, Rachel

Saturday, December 8, 2012

A little comic relief

So, I don't even know if this should count as a post, as it's just a bunch of things i found elsewhere, but enjoy!  A few things to brighten your sad life without me :)

Now, in general, I won't post something from a TV show, as you would have to know the show to get the joke, but I'm breaking my rule in this case cause you don't necessarily need to know the background and it's pretty awesome :)

the runner-up :)
And yes, for all you (if any) wondering...that was doctor Who :)

And finally, the winner, the iconic evil cat :)

So, if any of you think I'm tired, you're right: I'm tired. But anyway, hope this brightens your day!
~Rachel Guadalupe