
Sunday, November 18, 2012


 So, last Saturday, Rachel and I went downtown!!! We got bubble tea (Rachel's first time), strolled through the Diag, and modeled in Orchid Lane (everything is 15 bucks or less there!)
Here are some pics:
Orchid Lane--maybe my new favorite clothing store?
They sell jewelry, carvings, clothing, and random exotic
things, like henna and Hindu-dots. And EVERYTHING
IS $15 or less!
The diag--sunny, 60 degrees, beautiful! first we thought these were dresses,
and then we saw they were pant-outfit-things...
probably straight out of Africa! Now
I wish we had bought them, Rachel--they were
so crazy that every day wearing them would
make the day fun. Haha, can you see us going to
HSC in those?!?!

Random skirts we found. Colorful! 

At first Rachel liked it...
but later she felt like throwing up.  Btw, bubble tea
is a mixture of flavored tea (I got blueberry, Rachel
got kiwi) with tapioca bubbles at the bottom. I love it
and could drink bubble tea everyday, but it is
pretty strange, and takes some getting used to.

 We had a great time, trying the very unique things that make A2 special! :D
Nin@ and R@chel

Friday, November 16, 2012

Our Country...

worries me sometimes. Namely, NOW

Obviously not enough people payed attention to the Facebook post a few days before the election "Change your clocks on Sunday and your president on Tuesday...".  So now we are stuck for another four years with Barack Obama as our president, and the only thing I can tell you is to PRAY!!

In the words of Fr. Ed Fride, pastor of my local Church: "If as many people prayed for our president as they did complain about him, he would be a walk-on-water glow-in-the-dark saint by now" :D

So go out.  pray for our Country; pray for our President, and above all, pray for a miracle!


Monday, November 5, 2012


So, as most of you know, this past Wednesday was Halloween!!  Nina and I got together with a couple friends and we all went trick or treating together, our costumes being based off of some sort of Doctor Seuss character or another. (I'm pretty sure this is our last year-Nina :)

Nina and I were Thing 1 and Thing 2 (we figured if everyone thought we were twins anyway we might as well go as some :), Rosie was the Cat in the Hat, and Sarah was The Amazin' Maisie with her lovely tail :)

I never thought I''d say this, but yay for my daddy always taking pictures!! This way I'll always have something to remember that night from, not to mention, I have something to post on this blog along with the post :)
The four of us...quite lovely, are we not?? :)

Rosie and guys are so cute!!  (and look, you can see Sarah''s tail in this one :)

Thing 1 and Thing 2...what can we say?? <3
Look! You can see the bit of blue spray we put in our hair!
Look hard--I don't think it's just me. Although, I might
just have to clean my glasses. :) 

Sarah--she's turning the room pink. :)

We had a great time and took in a huge amount of sugar (just what we need, right?)
Toothy and Toothless, or
Nina and Rachel

***Tell us what you did for Halloween and link pictures if you can!!