
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ranting With a Purpose

So, as a teenage girl, it's pretty much a granted that I love the mall :).  Unfortunately, along with the shopping for shoes, body sprays and a pair of fantastic jeans comes an onslaught of models with that "perfect" body, hair, face, and who knows what else?  Everywhere you turn is a new reason why you're not good enough.  it bugs me so much when I see stores preying on someones insecurities just to make however much more money.  Yeah, none of them say "buy this pair of jeans and you'll be as sexy as Rhianna", but that's what they're marketing.

I'm blessed with an awesome older brother who likes to remind me before I reach the checkout counter that no, I'm not a ridiculously sexy black singer, I'm me, but most people I know don't have that. Instead they go ahead, buy the jeans, get home, and then when they realize that they're still the same person they've always been and they think it's something wrong with them.

I know so many girls (and guys too) who blame themselves for not being the perfect ideal of beauty, but guess what?? That ideal is always changing!! Below is an advertisement for...wait for it...gaining weight!! Stick thin anorexic wasn't always the ideal of beauty, but instead the ads were selling a weight-gaining product.

The world continually pushes us to be perfect, but it can't make up it's mind what perfect is...even those models we see in the billboards and on TV aren't really what they loo like, but instead a combination of professional makeup, perfect lighting, talented photographers, and more photoshop than you can imagine!  Hair and skin care provider Dove gives us just a small peek into the work that goes into a single ad in their video Evolution of Beauty.  

Yes, even Harry Styles.

Wait, is anyone really that surprised?

Basically, if you're going to take anything out of this post, let it be this: don't let the world form you into someone you are not...Oscar Wilde put it nicely, telling us "Be yourself: everyone else is already taken".
